Fast Tips

Your Point?

Your Point?

“Stop talking already,” my client said. “Everyone would appreciate it.”

Well, that’s not exactly what he said. 

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What the Treadmill Taught Me

What the Treadmill Taught Me

6 a.m.  I’m on a treadmill in a NYC hotel, minding my business, doing my usual 45 minute workout.  I vary 3 minutes of jogging with 2 minutes of fast walking and deep moaning.

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Your Point?

Your Point?

“Stop talking already,” my client said. “Everyone would appreciate it.”

Well, that’s not exactly what he said. 

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What the Treadmill Taught Me

What the Treadmill Taught Me

6 a.m.  I’m on a treadmill in a NYC hotel, minding my business, doing my usual 45 minute workout.  I vary 3 minutes of jogging with 2 minutes of fast walking and deep moaning.

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About Paul

Paul consults & speaks internationally on how to make your point with more impact—in less time.

Latest books: You’ve Got 8 Seconds (Amacom), Naked at Work (Penguin).

Founder of express potential®, Paul has worked with thousands of business leaders.

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