The Fast-Focus Method™
“A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention.”
—Herbert Simon, Nobel Prize winning economist
“I try to leave out the parts that readers tend to skip.”
—Elmore Leonard, novelist and screenwriter
What is Fast-Focus™?
Consider the next time you need to inform, or explain, or influence, or persuade. You could be talking to 1 person, or presenting to 1,000.
Fast-Focus™ is a method to:
- Get heard.
- Get results.
Why is your audience so distracted?
Your audience—whether one person or many—is flooded with information. More information = less attention.
The average attention span is now 8 seconds (Microsoft research).
So, just because you say something, doesn’t mean anyone will actually hear it. Or remember it. Or act on it.
Who uses Fast-Focus™?
Paul has taught this method to leadership teams, sales and marketing executives, scientists, engineers, lawyers, financial professionals . . .
For example:
• Senior leaders at a biotech company need to explain the company strategy to thousands of employees. If the employees don’t get it, the strategy won’t work.
• Marketing executives at a consumer products company, which has just been acquired, need to explain the change in ownership. Customers wonder, “Should we take our business elsewhere?”
• Analysts at a global mutual fund company need to tell a roomful of executives why to buy or sell a specific bond. Time to talk: 2 minutes, max.
How to learn it?
1) Paul teaches this method directly in three programs—and it can be added to other programs.
- Your Point?
- When Leaders Speak
- Dynamic Speaking
2) Individual or team consultations are another option.
3) Also, there’s Paul’s latest book: You’ve Got 8 Seconds: Communication Secrets for a Distracted World. (Check out Amazon reviews.)
Get heard. Get results. Learn Fast-Focus™.