My 2nd Mistake

My 2nd Mistake

The minute I walked into the Tampa airport, I knew I’d blown it. But it was too late. The Uber was long gone, and with it, my phone. When you consider the major problems you might have, this problem of mine was ridiculously minor. But when you lose...
How to stay UP when the Dow goes DOWN

How to stay UP when the Dow goes DOWN

I worry about the Dow. Often, in the midst of work, I wonder how the Dow is doing—the way you might worry about an unsteady friend who reacts to every single thing that happens, or that might happen, and then gives you the math on how he’s feeling: “I was up 10¼...
Getting Eaten Alive at Work

Getting Eaten Alive at Work

“You don’t follow the rules,” my wife said, “for avoiding a shark attack.” My wife had been reading about the sharks in Cape Cod this summer. Main rule: stay in shallow water. Also avoid the ocean entirely if your friends keep saying,...